Santiago – Atlanta – New York – Atlanta – PortlandOur trip home didn't go quite as planned. Our flight out was delayed so instead of a direct flight to JFK we stopped over in Atlanta causing us to miss our connection in New York. We were rebooked on a flight which took us back to Atlanta and then finally home the next day. The hotel Delta put us up in was very nice but all that for a 2.5 hour nap… All in all, it didn't dampen the wonderful experience I had this past week. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to be apart of the Portland team. I have made new friends and the memories will be bright in my mind for years to come. As many I interviewed on this trip, actually everyone, when asked if they get the opportunity to come back next year, would they? Without hesitation they definitely would, and I would too, without a doubt.
Checkout dayOnce again the lobby looked like the day we arrived with our luggage filling every corner. All was packed on the bus and we transported back to the Hospital. It was packing day and everyone pitched in. Soon the school bus was loaded with all the supplies and half our group. The rest of us followed in a second bus.
Mission trip to the Dominican Republic - Day 4 - Juan Bosch Hospital, Last full day of surgery1/14/2016 The end is near...The bus was scheduled a half our later to pick us at 7 am, but even with the extra half our of sleep it was rough to get out of bed. A little Starbucks instant heated in the hotel lobby microwave helped and soon we were trundling down the bumpy highway once again. Right out of the gate I was running gun between 4 OR’s, getting pickup shots and capturing some great footage of Dr. Duwelius visiting patients on the floor. The highlight was when he entered Samuel's room to a great hello and thank you! The surgery Paul preformed on this young man you can tell is life changing. Hand shakes and hugs we exchanged heartily with Samuel's father and mother, how rewarding to see there appreciation.
Mission trip to the Dominican Republic - Day 3 - Juan Bosch Hospital, Interviews & Surgeries1/13/2016
Here's a link to a photo story of the first few days:We arrived by bus again to a full preop of waiting patients. Everyday the doctors would go over the days cases and organize the charts with the team. I prepared myself for another day of interviews and surgery shoots. Following the first round of shoots, I grabbed a little breakfast. This is a good segue to comment on the typical food fair served, in particular no greens.
The rooster crows & crows & crowsToday started off very early much earlier than expected when the rooster started to crow outside of my room about 12:30 AM. That bird must’ve been extremely confused as was I startled out of a somewhat deep sleep. I was able to get back to sleep with some help from my headphones and rise at 5:30 AM the rooster crowing again, in time to get ready, pack my gear, and arrive in the lobby for 6:30 AM bus ride to the Juan Bosch hospital about 30 minutes away. A rather cramped bus ride along a bumpy highway, dodging in and out of motorcycles and scooters, the preferred or at least more common form of transportation here in the Dominican Republic, got us to the hospital. The sun rose and it was just incredible to see the palm trees and jungle foliage silhouetted against the orange of the sunrise.
About Peter...I am a cheerful and energetic person who enjoys gardening, camping with my husband, and hiking with my dog Coco. I have a passion for gadgets and computers, which I have been tinkering with since I was young. I can handle various technical tasks with ease, and I love helping my friends, family, and co-workers with their electronic or computer-related problems. I have a knack for explaining things in simple terms and showing others how to do things patiently.
December 2023